Fifth Fundraiser
The Fifth Fundraiser “ Children are our Future” was held in November 2014. The highlight of the evening was the concert of the Turovsky Quartet.
Main sponsors:
- Alexei Yemelin – Hockey player “ Montreal – Canadians”
- François Coutu – President “Jean Coutu”
- Daniel Hebert – Directeur Général Caisse populaire Desjardins d’Anjou
- Kathleen Weil – Députée de Notre-Dame-de-Grâce, Ministre de l’Immigration, de la Diversité et de l’inclusion
- Reverent Georgiy Lagodich, Saint Nicholas Cathedral, Russian Orthodox Church Abroad
- Oleg Kopytov -Orthodontiste
- Violetta Safarova – President of Maison Vandart
- Vagryan Boryan – Owner of “Bravo” restaurant
- Oleg Skobiola – Owner of “Ermitage” restaurant
- Valeriy Zhmurko – owner of “Le Georgia” restaurant
Info sponsors:
- Our Newspaper
- Montreal-Toronto
- Montreal Newspaper
School graduates
Nikita Kalashnikov and Valentin Timoschuk
helped organizing the Fundraiser.
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